I managed to get this amazing album from Surugaya-a-too at the Rakuten Market! That place has become my destination for rare and hard to find Doujin Albums. "Flourish" is presented by Ebox/DustStar with contributions from 11 musicians, and features 12 tracks arranged in various styles from, but not limited to, orchestral, jazz, piano, and even a little hip hop.
The artists involved have done a superb job of staying true to the melodies of composer Hiroki Kikuta while expanding greatly upon the lush tapestry of sound he created.
The length of the album, released in 2004, is approximately 48:30.
I've listened to this album several times now, and it's so well done, I have to dissect it track by track.
1. Sweet Memories (By Ebox) 3:24
, orchestration, and new age ethereality. I was shocked by the beauty! The best way to describe this is to compare it to a painting. It starts with a few very subtle notes, or brush strokes, but soon after you're fully transported into the canvas that is the World of Mana. Run on, with no boundaries, that's what I get from this. Absolutely wonderful, and somewhat reminiscent of Falcom's Legend of Heroes IV Electric Orchestra album.
Listen to "Sweet Memories"!