I have two copies of Ys I & II Chronicles for PSP. Both were bought directly from Falcom. Both have the pre-order bonus CDs, and one will be given away tomorrow on July 30th, 2009. I gave a "heads up" to this a couple of days ago on Twitter.
If you follow me on Twitter, all you have to do tomorrow is look for the update that says "the Ys I & II Chronicles contest is open, e-mail now!" (Hint, it will probably be in the afternoon, and I'm in the Eastern time zone in the US).
When the contest update appears, just send a message to my e-mail. (comicsrule@hotmail.com) it can be one word, such as "hello", "did I win?", anything except profanity please. Profanity will be disqualified, as well as anything with a spam link. The first e-mail I get regarding the contest wins Ys I & II Chronicles for the PSP.
Here is my Twitter: